Moonshine Blues - Une émission de Dan ZirottiPub Radio666



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Téléchargez MOONSHINE BLUES n°17 11-10-2021 (82.29 MB)

Durée: 59:55 min. - Type de fichier: mp3 - Bitrate: 192 Kbps - Fréquence: 44100 Hz


  • L'émission de Blues de Dan Zirotti, le samedi à 12h ! Emission n°17 du samedi 9 octobre 2021

    1/ Big Dez / Chicken in the car and the car won't go / 1 / 4 : 07 / Chicken in the car and the car can't go / Self / 2021

    2/ Big Dez / Set hime free / 8 / 3 : 11 / Chicken in the car and the car can't go / Self / 2021

    3/ Aurélien Morro Group / Change the world / 1 / 2 : 53 / Waiting for tomorrow / Asso Checkers / 2021

    4/ Aurélien Morro Group / Bluesman / 2 / 3 : 20 / Waiting for tomorrow / Asso Checkers / 2021

    5/ Tedeschi-Trucks Band / I looked away / CD 1-1 / 3 : 16 / Layla revisited (Live in Lock'n) / Fantasy / 2021

    6/ Tedeschi-Trucks Band / Layla / CD2-13 / 9 : 01 / Layla revisited (Live in Lock'n) / Fantasy / 2021

    7/ Derek and the Dominos / Bell bottom Blues / 2 / 5 : 01 / Layla and other assorted songs / Polydor / 1970

    8/ Derek and the Dominos / Keep on growing / 3 / 6 : 20 / Layla and other assorted songs / Polydor / 1970

    9/ Dave Specter & Tad Robinson / Sweet serenity / CD1-7 / 5 : 21 / Six string soul - 30 years on Delmark / Delmark / 2021

    10/ Dave Specter & Otis Clay / This time I'm gone for good / CD2-7 / 5 : 28 / Six string soul - 30 years on Delmark / Delmark / 2021

    11/ Dave Specter / In too deep / CD2-5 / 4 : 59 / Six string soul - 30 years on Delmark / Delmark / 2021

