Moonshine Blues - Une émission de Dan ZirottiPub Radio666



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Téléchargez MOONSHINE BLUES n°5 01-03-2021 (74.87 MB)

Durée: 59:17 min. - Type de fichier: mp3 - Bitrate: 176.5728071021 Kbps - Fréquence: 44100 Hz


  • L'émission de Blues de Dan Zirotti, le samedi à 15h ! Emission n°5 du samedi 27 février 2021

    1 / Jack Broadbent / If / Moonshine blue / Crows Feet

    2 / Jack Broadbent / The lucky ones / Moonshine blue / Crows Feet

    3 / Dennis Jones / Burn the plantation down / Soft, hard and loud / Blue records

    4 / Larkin Poe / Bleach blonde bottle Blues / Venom and faith / Tricki-Woo records

    5 / Marcus King / Wild flowers / El Dorado / Fantasy

    6 / Marcus King / Too much whiskey / El Dorado / Fantasy

    7 / Albert King / I'll play the Blues for you / I'll play the Blues for you / Stax

    8 / Awek / Drive an automatic / Let's party down (live) / Absilone

    9 / Awek / Every time / Let's party down (studio) / Absilone

    10 / Johnny Burgin / Sweet home Osaka / No Border Blues / Delmark

    11 / John Primer and The Real Deal Blues Band / Sittin' here waitin' / That will never do / Wolf

    12 John Primer and The Real Deal Blues Band / Mannish boy / That will never do / Wolf
